Saturday, May 15, 2010

June Ang, social etiquette of Smartphone: where to draw the line?

Topic: social etiquette of Smartphone; where to draw the line?I'm so angry with my project partner!

Last friday, i was discussing a project with my partner. I'm always serious in doing project as the results involves in my GPA points. However, my partner doesn't seem to be "that" serious. I was giving my opinion for the question that we're doing, he wasn't paying attention and using his Smartphone at the same time. I felt that i was talking to the air! What kind of attitude is this? Of course, i scolded him and left the rest of the job to him.

Nowadays, phone is a common gadget that most of us have today. Who don't have a phone? It only depends whether you have the newest model or the oldest model. Smartphone is one of the most convenient machinery that brought us many benefits. Not only usable for calling, we can use Smartphone for internet access anywhere, anytime. There are many functions avaiblable in a Smartphone as well. Definitely, Smartphone will cost more expensive than a normal handphone.

Although Smartphone cost really expensive, the number of teenagers using Smartphone has increased rapidly!

Well, using a Smartphone at a young age is not a crime, but using Smartphone at the wrong timing is really a disrespectful way. Do the parents teach their child the right attitude to use a phone? Switching off phone during meeting, watching movies or during lesson time is a basic manner. However, there will definitely be someone with phone switching on during this kind of situation. This is so unacceptable! Another kind of bad habit is, using phone while someone else is talking. I understand that some people can sort of "multi task", but this is still very rude and impolite!
Looking at someone who is talking shows that you're listening and respect the speaker. This is a simple manner that not most of us follows.

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